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Train describer systems

The train describer system ZNP801 of Scheidt & Bachmann was developed for decentralised train tracking (ZLV). It can be applied in older interlocking types (not CBI). At our customers a large number of systems is long since successfully in operation. Their use eliminates the purely manual activity of train announcing as well as information collection, dissemination and archiving.

It is also used:

  • to relieve the interlocking staff from workload and
  • to monitor and optimise the train traffic with connected operations control centre (BZ)

In contrast, the electronic interlocking ZSB 2000 has its own integrated train describer system.

Components of ZNP801

The station-specific topography data are permanently available in the memory of the ZN-computer. The latest information about the train number and the location of the trains are determined on the train tracking bus (ZLV-bus) or via interlocking interfaces.

The computer's internal clock is synchronised by the clock pulse of the central DB clock, but can also be controlled by a time telegram of the BZ. In the event of failure, the computer's internal clock ensures further correct temporal allocation of information.

The computer processes the incoming information and displays it to the dispatcher on different output media.

The most important media are:

  • train number displays in the control desk or in the control panel
  • track diagram screen
  • train movement protocol on the ZN-printer
  • audible messages
  • input indicator (EKA)

During the operational process the dispatcher can intervene at any time via a keyboard to, e.g. insert, change, or delete a train number. Using his keyboard he can also initiate various tests which inform about the functional capability of the output media.

Further testing options are available for the maintenance staff. Without disturbing the operation, the maintenance staff can gain an overview of the functional capability of the system ZNP801 at any time given through a LCD control display.

In the ZNP801 system interfaces are implemented to other systems (e.g., ZN60, NSTP 800).

The modular software includes program modules for all currently known applications.

Required changes in the station-specific data can be edited by means of a data editor.

If necessary the ZNP801 system can be equipped with different interfaces in order to solve specific tasks.

This concerns both the adaptation of older train describer systems (ZN60) as well as the connection to equipment such as:

  • passenger information systems
  • electronic interlocking (CBI)
  • coupling substations

Additional Information

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Fax: +49 2166 266-475

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Fax: +49 4340 4983-101

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