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Electronic Level Crossing System BUES 2000 – useful securing with HSM 10E

The use of the BUES 2000 as a modern, fully computer controlled level crossing system makes it possible to control tasks to be transferred directly to the particular field element. The HSM 10E (hydraulic barrier drive with modular structure for barrier lengths up to 10 metres, electronically controlled) works with its own intelligence and communicates with the BUES 2000 per data telegram via CAN bus (Controller Area- Network). Contiguous to communication via CAN-Bus interface to barrier drive is a standard interface possible. That means HSM 10E is usable for existing installations like relay based systems as well. Barrier drive HSM 10 E is maintenance free and is adaptable for several beam types (round beam, rectangle beam, edge beam...).

Hardware of HSM 10E

Modular structure with system parts that can be replaced on site: housing, barrier shaft, drive unit and control electronics (HSE subassembly)

Hydraulic drive unit:

  • hose-less unit in environmentally friendly compact mode of construction, the aggregate requiring no service work on the system (maintenance free)
  • continuous and contact less recognition of the position of the barrier beam via an inductive sensor in the piston-rod
  • hydraulic valve control via a rotary valve activated by a stepping motor
  • load-limiting of the hydraulic system through the use of a bypass valve in the pump; additional electronic overload monitoring of the current drawn by the asynchronous motor drawn by the asynchronous motor
  • three-phase asynchronous motor as hydraulic pump drive
  • intelligent control logic by the use of a microprocessor control in Euro-card format with integrated CAN interface as well as LCD display for outputting of program and error code
  • use of a frequency converter for the generating of a variable frequency rotary field from the battery voltage
  • software-realised speed control to ensure slow starting up and abrasion of the barrier beam and to optimise the starting current behaviour
  • in case of requested fallback closing function integrated in the rotary slide valve replaces the inserted keep-alive magnetic used so far and is checked by the software each time before the level crossing is opened
  • automatic reading in and adjusting to the input voltage
  • automatic calibration after power failure

Additional Information

Level Crossing Control System

Level Crossing Control System

The system controlling of electronical level crossing system BUES 2000 is responsible for safety controlling and supervision of signals, barrier drives, train detection ...

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Road Signals

Road Signals

A variety of light and other signals to provide informations to traffic participants depends on the situation at the level crossing ...

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Train Signals

Train Signals

With level crossing systems that are realised with the supervision signals (ÜS) or with supervision signal with optimised activation (ÜSOE) ...

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Barrier Drive

Barrier Drive

The use of the BUES 2000 as a modern, fully computer controlled level crossing system makes it possible to control tasks to be transferred directly to the particular field element ...

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Fax: +49 2166 266-475

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