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Queuing creates friction and has a negative impact on the customer experience. Our self-checkout solution SIQMA Smoove helps to prevent such queues by offering customers the option of a self-service checkout for fuel, electric charging, car wash and of course shop items. SIQMA Smoove is available as a kiosk device with a large screen that allows you to create a great self-service checkout area. Furthermore, the kiosk is also well-suited to offer additional services, such as loyalty onboarding, customer surveys, etc.
SIQMA Smoove can also be used on SIQMA Mira POS hardware. SIQMA Mira thus provides a cost-efficient dual-use option when frequency is unexpectedly high. At peak times, for example, SIQMA Mira can be used as a second checkout, quickly becoming a self-checkout terminal to quickly reduce queues.
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