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Scheidt & Bachmann USA Appoints Parking Professional Daniel Cobelo to Oversee Florida Business Development

|   Parking-Solutions

Parking solutions provider Scheidt & Bachman USA recently hired industry professional Daniel Cobelo as Regional Sales Manager over the Florida region…

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Scheidt & Bachmann continues Las Vegas Winning Streak

|   Parking-Solutions

Las Vegas McCarran International Airport, a long-standing partner of Scheidt & Bachmann since 2008, has recently executed a contract to upgrade their…

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Welcome Sean to Scheidt & Bachmann USA Parking Solutions!

|   Parking-Solutions

Scheidt & Bachmann USA Inc. - Parking Solutions Division is pleased to announce that Sean Woodbine has joined their team as the Regional Sales &…

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Parking garages become mobility hotspots

|   Parking-Solutions

With its innovative concept, the Hofbräuhaus parking garage in Munich sets an example with regard to the current trend in the industry. Crowded city…

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Introducing Bill Geraghty as Executive Vice President of Sales at Scheidt & Bachmann USA Parking Solutions

|   Parking-Solutions

Welcome Bill to Scheidt & Bachmann USA Parking Solutions!

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Neue Fahrausweisautomaten von Scheidt & Bachmann bei der Stuttgarter Straßenbahn AG

|   Fare-Collection-Systems

Die Stuttgarter Straßenbahn AG (SSB) ersetzte am 30. März 2021 gemeinsam mit Oberbürgermeister und Aufsichtsratsvorsitzenden Dr. Frank Nopper den…

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Joel Shipton strengthens the team Scheidt & Bachmann UK

|   Parking-Solutions

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Joel Shipton as National Business Development Manager at Scheidt & Bachmann UK, Parking Solutions.


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New Sales Manager at Scheidt & Bachmann Ibérica

|   Parking-Solutions

Scheidt & Bachmann Ibérica is pleased to announce the appointment of Jaime Rodríguez as new Sales Manager. Despite the difficult situation we are…

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Digital parking initiative for Mönchengladbach

|   Parking-Solutions

Parking in Mönchengladbach will become much more convenient!

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|   Energy-Retail-Solutions

Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH and Pyramid Computer GmbH today announced a partnership to promote self-checkout solutions at fuel retail sites.

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OC Transpo offers new touchless way to pay your fare

|   Fare-Collection-Systems

Ottawa – OC Transpo is launching a customer trial this afternoon for a new touchless way to pay fares using credit cards and smartphones at O-Train…

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Introducing Graham Haldeman as Vice President of Regional Sales at Scheidt & Bachmann USA

|   Parking-Solutions

Scheidt & Bachmann USA Inc. – Parking Solutions Division is pleased to announce that Graham Haldeman has been named the company’s Vice President of…

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Frank Dohmen

Human Resources


Yvonne Kuzmanovic

Human Resources

Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH
Breite Str. 132
41238 Mönchengladbach

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