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Übergabe des Förderbescheides für das Projekt BrainTrain

|   Signalling-Systems

Am 22. Dezember 2021 war es so weit – das Projekt BrainTrain JuLiA wurde aufgegleist.
Der Förderbescheid für die Anschubfinanzierung über 1.000.000…

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Our anniversary year is here!

|   Corporate

With the start of the year 2022, Scheidt & Bachmann's anniversary year has begun. The company was founded in 1872 and is now already 150 years on the…

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log4j: Our customers are safe!

|   Parking-Solutions

The entervo software is not affected by the lately identified security vulnerability “log4j” or - in a few very specific cases - has already been…

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FareGo 360 - The right information, to the right people, at the right time

|   Fare-Collection-Systems

FareGo 360 provides transport operators with a 360° view of the entire fare collection operation, giving tailored access and functionality to each and…

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Es ist vollbracht – die Inbetriebnahme unseres Schnellläuferprojektes war erfolgreich!

|   Signalling-Systems

Vor knapp einem Jahr – Ende Dezember 2020 – erhielt der Bereich Signaltechnik im Rahmen des Schnellläuferprogramms den Zuschlag für die…

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Virtual Event: Next Generation Data Management

|   Fare-Collection-Systems

How to get higher sales, improved efficiency and informed proactive management

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Scheidt & Bachmann delivers Check-in/Be-out system for hvv

|   Fare-Collection-Systems

hvv Any, the new ticketing software solution developed by Scheidt & Bachmann Fare Collection Systems for hvv, has been launched at the ITS World…

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Scheidt & Bachmann awarded contract to deliver the next generation Electronic Fare Collection System for the Maryland Department of Transportation Maryland Transit Administration

|   Fare-Collection-Systems

On October 6th, the Maryland Board of Public Works approved a 14-year contract to Scheidt & Bachmann USA, Inc. to implement a new Electronic Fare…

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New parking system project in Torremolinos

|   Parking-Solutions

Scheidt & Bachmann Ibérica continues to win projects this year and has recently installed the parking control and management system for Fico Parking,…

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Parking management system at the Hotel Riu Plaza, Madrid

|   Parking-Solutions

In July, Scheidt & Bachmann Ibérica has installed the parking management system for the Hotel Riu Plaza España, located in the heart of Madrid, in the…

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New forum to advance open loop payment in public transport

|   Fare-Collection-Systems

UITP's new Urban Mobility Open Payments Forum is aiming to advance adoption of open loop payment systems in public transport across the globe.

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Zukunft durch Innovation (zdi) – Ein voller Erfolg!

|   Human-Resources

Am Mittwoch, den 21.07.21, von 8 bis 16 Uhr, konnten 7 Schüler im Rahmen eines Summercamps beim zdi – Projekt „Systemlösungen der Zukunft –…

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Frank Dohmen

Human Resources


Yvonne Kuzmanovic

Human Resources

Scheidt & Bachmann GmbH
Breite Str. 132
41238 Mönchengladbach

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