It’s not always easy to find the right ticket, especially under pressure at the beginning of a journey, when many passengers are hurried. The chance to pay as you go helps free riders from worry by providing them the option to automatically pay.
Pay as you go is usually combined with a check-in/check-out or check-in-only system, depending on our transit partner’s preferred fare structure. After each tap, the system performs a journey construction, and the appropriate fare is calculated or applied – or, if enabled by the operator, the lowest fare available.
Pay as you go is not limited to open payment systems and can also be applied in conventional ticketing systems, which offer passengers a chance to store value on their transit smart card or account.
How would your customers like the option to pay as they go? Reach out if you’re ready to learn more about open payment.
Pay as you go is even more effective when combined with smart fare-capping rules. Join the next episode of our ‘Let’s talk about open payment’ series to learn more!